PriceElf deals, coupons & promo codes status is working & updated. PriceElf is the leading in online retailing – an online shopping service that broadcasts live retail programming 24 hours a day. It’s a vast virtual shopping center, offering a wide variety of products including electronics, gadgets, jewelry, apparel, home furnishings, health and beauty. The PriceElf’ headquarter is located in Hong Kong. Other divisions / subsidiaries / Dispatch Centers are in Beijing, Shanghai & Shenzhen of China.
PriceElf is the leading in online retailing - an online shopping service that broadcasts live retail programming 24 hours a day. It's a vast virtual shopping center, offering a wide variety of products including electronics, gadgets, jewelry, apparel, home furnishings, health and beauty. The PriceElf' headquarter is located in Hong Kong. Other divisions / subsidiaries / Dispatch Centers are in Beijing, Shanghai & Shenzhen of China.